Tooth Decay Spreading | Tips To Stop The Spread


Tooth Decay Spreading | Tips To Stop The Spread

By Quinten Kovacek 2 years ago Dentist

We all have heard about tooth decay, now let's learn about the process a bit more. Tooth decay is the process of holes creation into our teeth. It is usually by intake of sugary drinks and food items and improper teeth cleaning. Cause of tooth decay is the development of cavities. Now, let's discuss the tips to stop the spread:

  • Plaque Form:

This is a sticky film which covers your teeth and causes you to eat sugar and any kind of starchy food. And it is also due to the improper cleaning and maintenance of teeth. If you do not clean your teeth properly, then it can result in bacteria development in your mouth. It stays on your teeth and it can be pretty hard to be removed. You should better go to dental care for plaque form treatment.

  • Plaque Attacks:

Plaque releases acid to remove the minerals from your teeth. Because of erosion tiny holes develop in the enamel and this is the first step of cavity. Once the area of enamel is affected, then germs and acid spread to the second part of your teeth. It is known as canton and that turns into sensitivity.

  • Destruction Continue:

Tooth decay results in germs and acid continuously spreading to the next level and results in swelling and immense pain in your gums. 

Complication of tooth decay, developed toothache, swelling, damage to teeth, issues of chewing after tooth loss are various oral diseases that one can have. These often result in many kinds of problems such as toothache that cause nutritional problems resulting from difficulty in eating and chewing.

Tips to Stop the Spread of Tooth Decay:

There are many solutions to stop the spread of tooth decay:

  1. Brush your teeth after eating. Repeat it 2 times a day. You can also use floss or other cleaner to stop your tooth decay asap.
  2. You can also Use fluoride to wash your teeth.
  3. If you have tooth decay then you should immediately call your affordable dental expert and get some professional teeth cleaning and regular oral examination should be a part of your schedule. It can greatly help to stop the spread of tooth decay.
  4. As we know water bottles don't contain fluoride, this is why you miss out on fluoride benefits. We should drink tap water because most public water supplies have added fluoride which helps to remove the issue of tooth decay.
  5. We should avoid eating and sleeping together because if we drink beverages and eat snacks together, it can create bacteria and acid on enamel. 
  6. Some snacks and beverages stuck in the grooves and pit of your teeth for a long time can lead to various problems which is why you should brush your teeth immediately after eating.
  7. We should get combined treatment such as chewing gum along with fluoride and an antibacterial rinse can greatly help to reduce the cavities problems.


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